There have been numerous studies conducted into how celebrity endorsements influence consumers. Here is a compilation of some of the most prominent research papers and articles in this field. The Economic Value of Celebrity Endorsements SUMMARY: This study showed that approximately 20% of all advertising features a celebrity, that celebrity endorsements increase trust, and that … Continue reading “Just the Facts Please: Celebrity Endorsement Research”
When a company is choosing a celebrity endorser for their brand, the question at the top of their mind should be, is this celebrity a good fit? Firms can feel like a proverbial Goldilocks trying to find the right celebrity endorser for their brand. One endorser might be too cold, irrelevant and fading into obscurity. … Continue reading “The Perfect Fit”
It’s Easy For Your Message To Get Lost In The Crowd People today have an attention span of 8 seconds. That is shorter than a goldfish’s, which is 9 seconds. Consumers are exposed to over 5,000 advertisements per day. Of those, only 153 are processed by the subconscious and only 86 make it to the … Continue reading “Does Celebrity Advertising Work?”
Celebrity Endorsements Work A recent study by the Harvard Business School found that a celebrity endorsement can increase your sales by 20-40%. The study went on to explain that most firms aim to be seen as leaders in their fields; associating with an athletic champion cements the correlation between the athlete’s success and the expertise … Continue reading “4 Reasons “The Iceman” is the Perfect Celebrity Endorser for Your Firm”
Put Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell in your corner and develop a strong, legal advertising campaign. TigerShark Studios offers DMA exclusive advertising strategies that feature Chuck as your celebrity endorser. Our standard package is $3,950 per month and consists of 4 Screen Actors Guild (SAG) certified commercials. Cut through the advertising clutter and reach your audience … Continue reading “Chuck Liddell: Who’s in your corner?”