If you are looking to increase your firm’s brand awareness, outdoor advertising could be the best way to do this. There are 12 million outdoor advertising displays in the United States. Americans spend over 70% of their waking hours outside of their homes, and furthermore, 96% of them are exposed to outdoor ads every week. Of those, 71% of Americans consciously look at billboard messages while driving and many learn about an event or business they later visit. Our law firm marketing strategies will put your brand where people are looking.
Outdoor advertising is the only traditional marketing method which is continually growing with the industry up over 2.7% in 2017. Even more, predictions show that Digital Out-of-Home will account for 39% of total revenues in the outdoor sector by 2019. As a result, leaders in the space recognize that the effective use of location data is fundamental in achieving a shift from static to more dynamic outdoor ads.
As a result, we have created the highest quality billboards and print advertising designed to engage your target market. You can rest assured that you will have the best attorney billboard in your market area. Placement is going to be key when targeting the right audience with outdoor advertising. When choosing an agency to represent your law firm, you should look at how proficient they are in the areas you’d like to advertise in.
Contact us today to find out how we can put your law firm on the map.